


Currently I am working with the city of cologne and the digital program un:box cologne on the HELDEN APP Cologne powered by SUPERHELDEN FLIEGEN VOR. Here you can find the first Info Page about the project.

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GE-Hymn for the UEFA EURO 2024

It was such a pleasure to be the creative director for this project and to produce the song and also the music video for the GE anthem for the UEFA EURO 2024 in Gelsenkirchen.

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Public Relations

We are so thankful, that we were seen all over the media in Germany with SUPERHELDEN FLIEGEN VOR. Especially the digital efforts of the superheroes werde widely discussed in the classic but also in the online press. As the head of the PR Devision I want to thank everyone for the ongoing support and interest.

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One of my Highlights in my professional career so far was working with the German Icon MARY aka Georg Preusse. We produced a song and a music video for Mary´s 50th show anniversary.

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Urban Gardening XXL

I was allowed to create the YouTube Channel for Urban Gardening XXL. This included the casting of the hosts, the Corperate Design and Content Creation.

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